06 Oct Cross Country Competition
The school cross country team were expecting muddy terrain for their race on Thursday and all were dressed to face the elements. Surprisingly the sun showed its face and most finished the race relatively clean and unscathed!
Children from primary schools across the borough attended the cross country meet; the competition was split into four races with girls and boys in Years 5 and 6 each running in their own race. It was a great experience for our children to be able to run with some of the most able runners from other schools, with each race including up to a 100 children.
Ms Jolliffe was proud of all the runners, their ambitious plans for their race and their demonstration of grit, determination and resilience over the 1.5km course. The whole team did exceptionally well: one of our Year 6 girls placed 4th in her race and all of our Year 6 boys came in the top 15, with our fastest boy crossing the line ahead of the rest to claim a very well deserved gold medal!