11 Nov Be Bright, Be Seen!
Posted at 15:28h
in Curriculum, Homepage, Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
It was fantastic to see so many children dressed in their brightest and most flourescent clothes on Friday!
As the hours of daylight get shorter our ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ non-uniform day has been a brilliant reminder to children of the importance of ‘being seen to be safe’ as we travel to and from school.
It is surprisingly difficult for drivers to see pedestrians when they are always dressed in dark colours; whether you walk, cycle or scoot to school, wearing something bright on your coat, on your bag or as an accessory is a quick and easy way to alert other road users to your presence.
Thank you children for all your bright outfits – it was such a great end to our Road Safety focus week!