07 Jul 5OC and 5AK Residential Adventures
What a fantastic time Year 5 have been having on their residential this week! It has been wonderful to see the children building on all they have learned in their swimming lessons this year; Year 5’s water confidence has grown enormously as they have participated in the water sports activities. For many it is the first time they have ever had the opportunity to swim in open water – and they have loved it!
On land, abseiling, orienteering and archery have given children an opportunity to develop new skills and the days have been rounded off with a team quiz and a talent show and songs around the campfire.
5OC and 5Ak have particularly surprised the teachers with their desire for ‘military style’ room inspections and they have impressed us with their tidiness and personal organisation skills! We hope this passion for neatness will continue at home when Year 5 return…