Our vision is rooted in our Christian foundation and the provision of collective worship is at the heart of our school life with daily opportunities for prayer and worship for pupils and staff. Our pupils have daily opportunities to worship either in class groups, online, in Church or in one of our school halls.
Our collective worship seeks to reaffirm, strengthen and practise our core Christian values of love and service and celebrates each unique member of the school community as made in the image of God; recognising the individual gifts each has to offer. Additionally, through collective worship we seek to develop a sense of community within the school and the Church and foster the sense of being part of a wider community through the celebration of achievements, festivals, fundraising and special events.
Our collective worship uses celebration, silence, stillness, reflection, contemplation, meditations, prayer, song, symbols and imagery as vehicles for worship and spiritual growth.
Holy Communion
It has been a much loved tradition at the school for pupils, staff and parents to regularly celebrate Mass together. Mass takes place twice a week (dates can be found on the school calendar) and pupils take an active role in worship through our team of servers, thriving school choirs and our pupil worship team. Parents are warmly encouraged to attend Mass and join us in worship in Church or in the Grove Hall each week. We are grateful for our close links with other local churches such as St Thomas the Apostle Hanwell, St Matthews Ealing Common and St Barnabas Pitshanger Lane.
Our collective worship is engaging and inclusive and our pupil worship team supports the planning of our worship calendar each term using the year group collective worship response books to evaluate the impact of our daily worship.
Special Worship Events
We love planning events to celebrate major Christian festivals such as Carol Services , Nativity plays and Easter performances. We enjoy planning a large celebration for Christ the King to mark the end of the Church’s year. Christ the King is a particularly uplifting service and traditionally our Broadway choirs will sing items such as The Lord’s my Shepherd, Ride on, King Jesus and Let all the world in Ev’ry Corner Sing accompanied by trumpeters. Our pupil worship team contribute to the service through readings and prayers and it is a school tradition to have a joyous procession with staff carrying banners that survived the bombing and destruction of St Saviour’s Church on the Grove during the second world war. We love opportunities to worship at other special events such as PromPraise at the Royal Albert Hall and singing at St Paul’s Cathedral with other church schools in London.
Worship through Giving
We recognise that worship is not just what we do when we gather together at an event in school or in church but God calls us to worship him with all of our lives and means. As a school we take great joy in expressing our gratitude to God through fundraising for charities. This academic year, each year group chose their own charity for their Lent fundraising with different year groups choosing charities linked to their curriculum, recent global learning and international events. Previous years have seen the whole school community working together wonderfully to raise money for local charities such as Ealing Foodbank and Ealing Winter Night Shelter. Larger National Charities, such as Macmillan Cancer Support and Genes for Jeans, have also been supported through school organised events and generous giving.
Our SIAMS inspection in November 2022 reported on the positive contribution of worship to our school community:
The school centres itself as a worshipping community. Exploration of themes constantly unpack the vision. Mirroring the tradition of the church, the school also reaches people outside that tradition, ensuring worship is inclusive, invitational and inspiring. Worships are always made accessible through explaining of ritual and use of inclusive language. Ritual and worship are constantly done well, promoting the inherent mystery that can arise from this spiritual experience. Innovative styles from weekly Mass to hymn reflection, in church and school, offer rich experiences of worship for all. Each person present experiences unapologetic Anglican worship, but in a culture where no-one feels coerced.
An educational professional who visits the school regularly wrote in our visitors’ book:
I visit many schools across Ealing and whenever I visit CtS, I feel a deep sense of peace and tranquility in the environment. I’m inspired by the connection students show towards peers and adults around them. Fostering self-love within each individual is key to developing a loving attitude towards the school, within the community and more globally toward the outside world – thank you for making me feel a valued part of this community.
A copy of our collective worship and spirituality policy can be found below.
School and Church Relationship
Our worship is further enhanced through our close Home – School – Church relationships examples of which can be found below.
Our School and Church Relationship
Our whole school Collective Worship videos for the term can be found on the Collective Worship Videos page. You can find the weekly class hymn reflections for the current academic year below.
Summer 2 Week 6 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: Give Thanks 2
Summer 2 Week 5 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
Summer 2 Week 4 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: All things Bright and Beautiful 2
Summer 2 Week 3 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: All things Bright and Beautiful
Summer 2 Week 2 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands 2
Summer 2 Week 1 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands 1
Summer 1 Week 6 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: You Shall Go Out With Joy 2
Summer 1 Week 5 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: You Shall Go Out With Joy 1
Summer 1 Week 4 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: I danced in the morning 4
Summer 1 Week 3 Wednesday Hymn Reflection: I danced in the morning 3
Summer 1 Week 2 Hymn Reflection: I danced in the morning 2
Summer 1 Week 1 Hymn Reflection: I danced in the morning 1
Spring 2 Week 6 Hymn Reflection: Will you let me be your Servant 2
Spring 2 Week 5 Hymn Reflection: Will you Let me Be your Servant 1
Spring 2 Week 4 Hymn Reflection: Forty Days and Forty Nights 2
Spring 2 Week 3 Hymn Reflection: Forty Days and Forty Nights
Spring 2 Week 2 Hymn Reflection: Longing for Light 2
Spring 2 Week 1 Hymn Reflection: Longing for Light 1
Spring 1 Week 5 Hymn Reflection: Jesus Put This Song 2
Spring 1 Week 4 Hymn Reflection: Jesus put this Song
Spring 1 Week 3 Hymn Reflection: Will You Come and Follow Me 2
Spring 1 Week 2 Hymn Reflection: Will you Come and Follow Me 1
Spring 1 Week 1 Carol Reflection: We Three Kings
Autumn 2 Week 7 Carol Reflection KS2: Once in Royal David’s City
Autumn 2 Week 7 Carol Reflection EYFS/KS1: Away in a Manger 2
Autumn 2 Week 6 Carol Reflection KS2: O Come All Ye Faithful
Autumn 2 Week 6 Carol Reflection EYFS/KS1: Away in a Manger
Autumn 2 Week 5 Carol Reflection KS2: Whilst Shepherds Watched
Autumn 2 Week 5 Carol Reflection EYFS/KS1: Whilst Shepherds Watched
Autumn 2 Week 4 Hymn Reflection: God Forgave my Sin 2
Autumn 2 Week 3 Hymn Reflection: God Forgave my Sin
Autumn 2 Week 2: Hymn Reflection: Give Me Joy 2
Autumn 2 Week 1 Hymn Reflection: Give my Joy 1
Autumn 1 Week 6: Hymn Reflection: The Spirit Lives to set us Free 2
Autumn 1 Week 5 Hymn Reflection: The Spirit Lives to set us Free 1
Autumn 1 Week 4 Hymn Reflection: When I Needed a Neighbour 2
Autumn 1 Week 3 Hymn Reflection: When I Needed a Neighbour 1
Autumn 1 Week 2 Hymn Reflection: Be Still 2
Autumn 1 Week 1 Hymn Reflection: Be Still 1