30 Mar Lent Fundraising
This term in PSHE, Children have been learning about why charity is important and how to plan and hold a fundraising event. The pupils in each year group researched and then chose a charity; there was a wide variety selected, from local charities such as Log Cabin and Great Ormond Street, to national and international charities such as Children in Need, Young Minds and UNICEF.
The children chose a range of different fundraising activities, Nursery had a ‘Superhero’ day, whilst Year 5 used their gifts in a talent show to raise money. Some year groups chose very active ways to fundraise with Year 1 completing an obstacle course and Year 3 taking part in a skipathon.
Other year groups were keen to raise money by ditching their school uniform, Reception wore rainbow colours to raise money for The Rainbow Trust whilst Year 6 donated money to be able to have a ‘chill out’ day in school. Year 6 wore their comfiest clothes and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon watching a film and doing quiet activities. Year 4, who were raising money for the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’, dressed up as what they apsire to be when they grow up – you can see some of them pictured above! What do you think they hope to become?
Year 2, who had chosen to raise money for Great Ormond Street, had a pyjama day to collect in donations – from the comments below they really enjoyed their day!
“Pyjama day was the best day ever because we got to have fun in pyjamas and be good Christians.”
“Pyjama day was very fun. We raised money for children who need medical help”
Well done to all our pupils for your enthusiasm and generosity in raising money for others this half term. We are proud of you!