15 Jun 75th Anniversary of the Windrush
In their most recent history unit Year 6 have been studying the Windrush and reflecting on the lasting impact and significance of the Windrush generation. As part of this, the students learned all about why people wanted to leave the Caribbean to come to Britain, what they were expecting and then, in contrast, what some of the realities were. We used this information and other first-hand accounts from Windrush settlers to then write our own poems from their perspective. We also created fact files to represent all our learning about the legacy of the Windrush generation and how Britain is a much more diverse place today because of this.
The Windrush first arrived at the docks in East London on 22nd June 1948 so this year is the 75th anniversary of the Windrush. To mark the occasion of 75 years, Year 6 have created a display in the atrium to share all their learning with the rest of our school community. Thank you Year 6!