14 Sep Macmillan Cancer Support
On Friday 29 September the school community will come together to support Macmillan Cancer Support again.
Children will be invited to wear a bright T shirt instead of their shirt and tie, and donate a gold coin on the gate.
All pupils are invited to enter our Art Competition– produce a piece of Art around the theme of Friendship and hand it in to either office by 27th September. Prizes for each year group.
There will be a cake sale on the Grove after school on Friday 29 September. At the Broadway from 2pm-4pm there will be a Cafe serving coffee ( provided by Artisan ) and cake . There will an art display of a selection of the entries to the art competition- winners will be announced by Mrs Tramoni at the event.
If you can volunteer on the day in any way at all – do let Mrs Harris know – harris@cts-school.org
Thank you for all your support for this very worthy cause.