19 Jan The Tiger Who Came to Tea
The story of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' read out by Mr Webley...
18 Jan Nursery Home Learning – Spring 1 Week 3
This week we are looking at the book 'The Shopping Basket' and thinking about what we know about going to the shops....
15 Jan Nursery rhymes – 15.1.21
Join in some of the songs and rhymes with all your teachers....
13 Jan Puffin Peter
The story of ‘Puffin Peter’ read out by Miss Tran....
12 Jan The Paper Dolls
The story of 'The Paper Dolls' read out by Mr Redford....
12 Jan Primary School Admissions
Have you applied for a primary school place for your child in 2021? The deadline is Friday, 15th January. You must apply directly to the council that you are living in at the time of application regardless of the borough which the school is in. Applications...
11 Jan Nursery Home Learning – Spring 1 Week 2
This week we are looking at the book 'Eddie's Garden and how to make things grow' and thinking about what we know about how vegetables grow and what they need to help them....