10 Nov Girls’ Football Tournament
Last week a team of Year 5 and 6 girls represented our school at an interschool football tournament. Maddy, one of our school Sports Ambassadors, has written a report for us about their experiences below:
On the 5th of November ten of us who had been selected went to a football tournament at Northolt High School. We travelled there by train with Mr Hingley and an adult volunteer. On the train we got to know each other and managed our excitement.
When we got there we were shocked at how many people we had to compete against. After we took a breath in and out we realised that there was an A and B team. We were in the A team for CTS. There were 19 schools, including us, that were competing in the tournament. We had three and a half hours to compete against 10 teams. We lost 8 games, drew 1, won 1 which put us in fourth place by one goal.
Every game was 5 minutes long which was a very short time for us. This meant that you couldn’t score a lot of goals, but in one game we managed to score two, which was amazing. When we were on our way back, we were so proud because it was our first tournament and it was a great experience for us. Next year, we are hoping to be better than this year.