We are delighted to be introducing new wraparound after school childcare for our Nursery and Reception pupils in September 2024 staffed by our own friendly CtS teaching support staff.
Our Sunset After School Club is based in our Nursery class and offers a range of structured learning activities to support our EYFS curriculum. Our vision is to support working parents with some of the activities other children may experience at home such as:
- Cooking skills including chopping and cutting
- Dressing skills including buttons, zips and shoe laces
- Storytime and phonics activities
- Number games
EYFS After School Club Payments
3.20pm – 6pm – £16 per session
Regular sessions should be pre-booked through the bookings system on ParentPay
Ad hoc sessions must be booked by 2.30pm and will be charged at £20 per session
Late collection charge: £10 for any time within the first 15 mins (6.01pm – 6.15pm) and £5 for every additional 5 minutes after that.
Payments on ParentPay
Parents should register and pay in advance on ParentPay, naming the day that they wish their child to attend. Please click on the “Make or view bookings” link in ParentPay.
The school accepts a wide range of alternative means of making childcare payments:
Payments through Childcare vouchers
We are registered with most voucher providers, (Sodexo, Care 4, Kiddi Vouchers, Computershare and Eden Red).
Payments through Tax free childcare
Once you have actioned your payment through Tax free childcare, please send a screenshot to grove@cts-school.org stating which Payment item the amount is for. This amount will then be adjusted on Parent Pay.
Childcare Grant Payment Service in partnership with Student Finance England
The school supports parents in full time education. Please let us know you are registered for claims.
Tax Credits and Universal Credit
The school would be happy to write a letter each half term to confirm your costs, which can be sent to tax credits for Universal Credit.
Contractual Agreement and Policy Sharing
When you book and pay for a place on our Sunset After School Club you are making an agreement with the school that you wish to receive childcare after school services from Christ the Saviour School and enter a contractual agreement with us.
Information that the school holds for your child will be shared with our After School Club staff including:
- Arbor information for example your child’s medical needs, emergency contacts, special educational needs and parental consents
- Assessment data
- School learning resources
All school policies are consistent across the school day including at our Sunset After School Club most notably our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Behaviour Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Intimate Care Policy, Supporting Pupils with Medical needs.
We may suspend the provision of childcare to your child, at any time if you have failed to pay any fees, if your child’s behaviour endangers the safety and wellbeing of the other children at the After School club or if your child is collected persistently late.