25 Nov Christ the King
It is a long tradition of our school to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King at Mass in Church led by Christ the Saviour clergy and pupils from our school. On Sunday, 21st November, our service started with a procession led by the Crucifer, one of our Year 6 servers, followed by Mr Taylor, Ms Raj and Miss Kim our banner bearers who carried banners which have been in the school for over 100 years and survived the bombing and destruction of St Saviour’s Church during the Second World War. Our banner bearers were followed in the procession by our worship team, our year 4, 5 and 6 choirs, and the Altar party including our Year 6 servers.
Worship leaders led prayers for those in attendance as well as those families who were unable to attend.
Let us pray for the Church throughout the world. Thank you for our church and for Father Richard. Thank you for those who come to church and pray to you and who serve in church. Thank you for all the churches around the globe. We are sorry for our sins, for when we don’t follow God and when we miss church. Please bless our church community and those who lead it, help the church around the world to be a blessing to everyone.
Lord, in your mercy….
Let us pray for the world and all its needs. Thank you for the world and the people who help make our world a better place to live in. Thank you for Greta Thunberg and the people who help us stop climate change. We want to say sorry for polluting and ruining your world. Please help us to care for our world and make it a better place. We pray for people who are less fortunate than ourselves. We pray for the countries that don’t have vaccines and ask that richer countries like ours would be generous and help them.
Lord in your mercy…
Let us pray for our school. We thank you for our wonderful staff who keep us safe and help us when we need it. We thank you for our whole school family, the PTA and all the lovely children in our school. We are sorry for the times when we have spoiled our school community, for when we have not treated people with respect and not led the life you want us to live. Please help us to make good choices, to use kind words and loving actions. Please help us to have strong relationships and enable us to grow into educated citizens who will be a blessing to those around us.
Lord, in your mercy…
Let us pray for all who suffer for any reason. Thank you for helping the people who are sick and in need. Thank you for all the blessings and advantages that we have and that we do not need to worry about war or fighting. We are sorry for the time when we have walked past those in need or not helped someone who needed it. Please help those people who are suffering from the Covid 19 pandemic, and those who are suffering from poverty, war or natural disasters. Give them what they need and protect them.
Lord, in your mercy….
Let us pray for all who have died. In this month of remembrance we thank you for all the people who have died in the wars and laid down their lives for us. We also thank you for Jesus who sacrificed himself for us all. We pray for families who are mourning loved ones and ask that you would comfort them. May they know the hope that the gospel brings.
Rest Eternal Grant unto them, O Lord…
Let us pray in communion with Our Blessed Lady, St. John the Baptist, Saints Peter and Paul, St Mary Magdalene and all the saints.
Let us make our own personal prayer in a few moments of silence.
Lord, in your mercy….
Our choirs sang beautifully and lifted our worship with their uplifting voices. To ensure all ages were able to participate in our worship we chose to sing some of our favourite hymns that have been part of our collective worship this term. You can access the slides for these hymns on our school website at the bottom of our worship page.
Thank you for joining us in worship!