21 Nov Christ the King
On Sunday, 20th November pupils, staff, Governors, family and friends met together in Church to celebrate our annual service of Christ the King. It is a very old tradition of the school and one of the most important celebrations in our community. It was a very special Mass which started with a procession led by our Year 5 and Year 6 servers, staff carrying banners, our worship leaders, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 choirs and of course Father Richard. The celebration of Christ the King is always a wonderful opportunity for us to give thanks to Father Richard who supports our school community in many ways including celebrating Mass with our school twice a week. Broadway Site worship leaders led us in prayer during the service and confidently read the readings which can be found in the order of service below.
Christ the King Order of Service
We were delighted to sing some of our favourite hymns including our school anthem Christ Triumphant. We have focussed on this hymn in our Wednesday collective worship over the last two weeks and have learnt more about the meaning of the words. We know that if you are triumphant it means that you have won a great victory, contest or battle. The hymn reminds us that Jesus is triumphant when he does miracles and he defeats illness and disease. We also know that Jesus is triumphant when he rises from the dead and he defeats death, and Jesus is triumphant when he goes up to heaven where he rules in heaven with God the Father.
Christ triumphant, ever reigning,
Saviour, Master, King!
Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining,
hear us as we sing
Can you find five different titles or names that are used for Jesus in the first verse above? You will really impress your teacher if you can spot these before Wednesday this week!
Congratulations to all the pupils who participated in our Christ the King service on Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many children in their uniforms sitting with their families in Church – thank you for joining us and making the service so special and celebratory!