03 Nov Road Safety Competition!
We would like to invite all pupils in the school to take part in our road safety competition!
Pupils at the Grove Site, we would like you to design a poster to teach children about road safety.
Pupils at the Broadway Site we would like you to design a comic strip, between 3 and 8 boxes long, to promote road safety.
Your posters and comic strips can focus on any aspect of road safety; you may like to promote one of the four simple road safety rules that help us cross the road: stop, look, listen and think. Alternatively, you may like to design something on the need to ‘Be bright and Be seen’, or on another area of road safety such as holding an adults hand, walking on the pavement, wearing a bike helmet or not being distracted by a mobile phone.
Your entries should be labelled with your name and class and handed into the school office or your class teacher by Wednesday 15th November. There will be prizes for every year group and the winners will be annouced in celebration assembly on Friday November 17th. The winning entries will be put up on display during National Road Safety Week, 19th – 25th November. We look forward to seeing them!