17 Jun Fieldwork Fun
This half term in their geography lessons our Year 6 pupils have been conducting field work, such as exploring the types of shops in Ealing and comparing fairtrade and non fairtrade products sold. This has been an exciting, hands-on learning experience about the local area and how it is connected to the global world.
“My tally chart shows that in this part of the highstreet there are over 35 food shops from all around the world – its tells me that this is a multi cultural town with different nationalities living here or maybe just visiting.”
“It costs more to buy the Fairtrade chocolate because then the farmers that grew the cocoa beans get a proper wage for their time which is more just and right.”
To their credit, our Year 6 children were wonderful ambassadors for the school with several members of the public commenting on their good manners and behaviour around Ealing town centre. We are very proud of you Year 6!