24 Jun KS2 Sports Days
Over the last three weeks all of our KS2 year groups have enjoyed a wonderful sports days at Perivale Track. Despite some cloudy days, the rain held off and everyone was able to enjoy uninterrupted athletics!
In the weeks leading up to Sports Days our PE curriculum focused on the core athletic skills of running, jumping and throwing and so pupils were well prepared for the Sports Day events. At the track, classes rotated around the different track and field events which started with the 800m and went on the include sprints, high jump and long jump, javelin and shot put. The final event for each class was the much anticipated relay race – it is more difficult than it looks to deliver the baton safely around the track!
We are proud of all our KS2 children and their amazing sporting acheivements – the children really spurred each other on – there were close finishes, hugely comeptitive high jump contests and great team work in the relays. It was wonderful to have the support of so many parents there on the day, it felt like a real community event with so many people cheering from the sidelines.
Thank you PE team for four fantastic Sports Days!