06 Sep A Prayer for the Year Ahead
The first Year 5 and 6 Mass this term took place this week with Father David leading the service. The first reading (taken from James 1) and the bidding prayers were read by our Year 6 children who spoke confidently – their voices heartfelt and clear. This prayer reminds us that Jesus is with us as we enter the new term and take One More Step along the world.
Let us pray for our school, especially our teachers and friends who help us.
As we look back Lord, on what we have achieved in the last year, we pray that this new term of new beginnings and challenges is blessed by you. We thank you for being by our side as we continue on our new journey. We thank you for the support of our dedicated teaching staff helping us to celebrate our unique gifts. We praise you for giving us the opportunity to learn and have an education and pray for our school community and everyone who supports us at the beginning of this year’s learning journey.
In Jesus Name, Amen