Maintenance fund contributions help us to accommodate increased costs, budgetary pressures and our ambitions to deliver outstanding educational facilities for all our pupils. Some of the larger school investments in recent years include: new roofs at the Grove and Broadway Sites, a new wireless internet system, a new nursery, new buildings on the Broadway Site, new playground surfaces on the Grove Site and brand new kitchens and equipment to enable in-house catering.
Pupils enjoy the benefits of these facilities and support, all of which significantly enhance the vision and ethos of our school.
What is the Governors’ School Maintenance Fund?
Most Governing Bodies of Church schools manage their own fund to support the school which includes the maintenance of buildings. Parents make an annual contribution for each child at the school.
What is the fund used for?
In 2023/2024 the Fund was used for:
- Maintenance audits and associated repairs
- Lighting upgrade to LED to reduce carbon footprint and support energy saving across the school
- Electrical testing
- Fire risk assessment
- Emergency repairs
- Buildings insurance
- Discretionary items such as pupil hardship, facility enrichment, staff development and retention activities including a contribution to the staff Christmas event
It ensures we create and maintain the best school infrastructure as possible – for our current and future pupils. Church schools have operated maintenance funds for decades, and there are parts of our school that have been beautifully built or extended by successive generations of parents.
How Much Should I Pay?
The requested voluntary contributions have been kept at a comparably low rate by the Governing Body for 2024/2025.
£84 per child per year
£28 per term
£7 per month over 12 months
The suggested amount of £84, per pupil per year, will appear in your ParentPay account under the heading “Maintenance Fund.”
Please help us to claim Gift Aid by writing yes in the comments box to confirm that:
- we can use the name and address we have on record for you
- you have paid the same amount or more in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in that tax year
- you agree to Gift Aid being claimed
Gift Aid is a Government scheme that lets us claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.
Standing Orders
If you would like to pay the voluntary Maintenance Fund via standing order please ensure that your payment reference includes your child’s name, class and 2024 as the starting year of your standing order to Christ the Saviour. e.g:
Our Bank Details are:
Account: CTS Primary School or Governors of Christ the Saviour CE Primary School
Sort Code: 40-11-58
Account Number: 30156434
This will be marked as a Business Account Transfer
Thank you for your contribution to the Governors’ Fund
Tom Ward
Finance Governor