Through our curriculum we teach children to stay safe and happy. We encourage the understanding that any problem or worry that they have is legitimate and pupils are taught about how to share concerns and worries with trusted adults. Regular opportunities for safeguarding curriculum reviews and pupil voice surveys take place.
At Christ the Saviour, safeguarding children is everyone’s priority and this is reinforced throughout our community with our first school rule Be Safe.
The Safeguarding Team drives the importance of safeguarding across the school and they are well supported by all staff and Governors. Mike Barter is our Safeguarding Lead Governor. Clear safeguarding systems are in place which ensure that concerns are acted upon swiftly by staff and monitored by senior leaders. A strong culture of safeguarding is embedded across both sites with concerns analysed and our safeguarding curriculum adapted according to contextual changes.
Mrs Tramoni is our Designated Senior Person for safeguarding and is also the child protection officer. Other senior staff are part of the Safeguarding Team and deputise in Mrs Tramoni’s absence:
Strong student leadership from our Mental Health Champions, Junior Travel Ambassadors and Digital Leaders demonstrates the importance we place on keeping children safe and ensuring children receive support and learning from adults as well as peers. Our student leaders help staff share ways to keep physically and mentally safe and healthy and gather pupil voice from across our school sites.
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact the local authority’s Children and Families on (020) 8825 8000 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations.
Complaints or concerns about a member of staff should be made directly to Mrs Tramoni. Call or email the school and ask to speak to her directly on a safeguarding issue. The head will always take professional advice on how to proceed from the person responsible for allegations against a member of staff at the Local Authority.
Any complaint or concern about the Head should be made directly to the Chair of Governors, Mark Hedges. You can do this in writing, by emailing the school office ( or call the School Office and ask for a direct number.
Like many local schools, Christ the Saviour is taking part in Operation Encompass, an innovative project the Metropolitan Police are running in partnership with schools across Ealing. The national project aims to safeguard and support children who are affected by domestic incidents. If you would like to find out more about what is considered to be a domestic incident please take a look at the guidance from the Met Police on their website here.
Operation Encompass is a notification system whereby the school will be informed by the police that a child has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident as a result of the police attending the home. This will ordinarily be done by the start of the next school day. This information is given in strict confidence to a specially trained member of the school staff, known as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). In Christ the Saviour this is Mrs Tramoni. Mrs Tramoni will use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to enable support to be given, dependent on the needs and wishes of the child. The school may also be able to make additional provision or adjustments to assist the child and their family.
The NSPCC helpline provides both children and adults who are potential victims of sexual abuse in schools with the appropriate support and advice. This includes how to contact the police and report crimes if they wish. The helpline also provides support to parents and professionals.
Sexual harassment refers to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that occurs online or offline. Sexual harassment violates a pupil’s dignity and makes them feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated, and can create a hostile, sexualised or offensive environment. If left unchallenged, sexual harassment can create an atmosphere that normalises inappropriate behaviour and may lead to sexual violence. Peer on peer sexual abuse and harassment is never tolerated.
Sexual harassment could include:
Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. Christian Values and global learning weave throughout the curriculum at Christ the Saviour with our core values of inclusiveness, tolerance and love. Pupils are encouraged to engage in healthy debate and are taught how to disagree respectfully and share their own thoughts and opinions in a safe learning environment. We see this approach contributing to the Prevent Strategy. Find out more in the leaflet below:
Keeping safe from bullying is an integral part of our RSE curriculum.
Our Relationships Education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:
We tackle bullying together at Christ the Saviour through an approach which aims to:
Our Anti-bullying policy can be found on the policies page of our website.