Intent: We want children to experience a broad and dynamic computing curriculum that works across diverse platforms and exposes pupils to the most current technologies. With online safety at the forefront of our curriculum, pupils are prepared to be technologically aware and computer literate learners in an ever-changing digital, global world.
In Early Years, teaching is based around computational thinking to encourage effective, analytical problem solving, whether using computers or not. Tools and technology, such as interactive whiteboards, electronic toys, beebots, iPads and Chromebooks, are often available during continuous provision to allow learners to explore their own ideas of computing and technology through play. Children also begin to learn basic typing skills.
In KS1, introducing online safety is at the forefront of learning. Pupils learn when and how to report inappropriate content and are taught about the safe sharing of information and age restrictions online. Using beebots, learners also begin to explore what an algorithm is and use their knowledge to begin debugging and controlling robotic devices. They create simple photo and video content using Chromebooks and iPads, to begin to explore basic coding using Scratch.
In KS2, online safety continues to be at the forefront of learning. Pupils learn the importance of anonymity online; how to create content responsibly; the consequences of online behaviour and about acceptable usage. The computing lessons in KS2 consistently build on prior knowledge and skills as learners move on from creating and debugging simple programs, begin advanced programming and sequencing and develop increasingly sophisticated animations using Scratch. Understanding simple algorithms progresses to explaining and spotting faults in pre-built algorithms. Utilising the accessibility of G suite on Chromebooks, children also develop knowledge and skills in building effective games, websites, blogs for worldwide audiences and work on content collaborations, managing data and using vectors in digital drawing and graphic design.
Our computing curriculum is enhanced in our extended school offer by two hugely popular Coding Clubs which are run weekly and give pupils the opportunity to engage in a variety of coding languages. In our after school coding clubs pupils use Scratch, HTML/CSS, and Python to make their own games, animations, and websites.