22 Oct Justice for the Troll?
Was the Troll guilty of threatening and attacking the three Billy Goat’s Gruff? Or was the Troll himself a victim of the headbutting Biggest Billy Goat Gruff?
Our Year 5 classes have been exploring the christian value of justice this week by putting the Troll on trial.
Through a workshop last week and a mock trial this week, the children learned about how barristers work as advocates for the the prosecution and defence, presenting their arguments before the judge and jury. Every child in each class had a role in the mock trial to prepare for, whether as witnesses, members of the jury, prosecutors, defence lawyers, court ushers, the court artist or the police.
On the day of the trial the defence triumphed and the Troll was acquitted by all four classes – for a full report of the action please read the Court Report below which was written by Leo and illustrated by Nikola from 5FA in the aftermath of the trial.
A huge thank you to our parent volunteer who facilitated these fantastic workshops – it was such a rich learning experience for all our Year 5 pupils.