11 Nov Remembrance
This week at CtS we have been reflecting in our collective worship on the bible verse from the gospel of John where Jesus tells his disciples that the greatest act of love is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Jesus was teaching his friends that he loved them and was going to go and die on the cross; he was willingly going to give up his life and take the punishment so everyone’s sins could be forgiven. But Jesus was also teaching the disciples, and us, that it is the ultimate act of service and love to be willing to die for someone else, to be willing to give up your life so that others might live.
As we have learned about remembrance this week we have thought about those who have done just that, those service men and women who have willingly given up their lives and died in wars and conflict all over the world, fighting to defend our country and our freedom.
As part of their history unit on ‘Remembrance’ this week Year 2 visited our local war memorial where they saw the 1560 names of Ealing residents who gave their lives in World War One and Two. Year 2 were able to deepen their understanding of what a war memorial is, how it is used and identified some typical features of a war memorial. They took their own wreaths that had been made in class and said a prayer and had a moment of reflection for the fallen soldiers. The whole of the Grove Site took time out this morning to have a special two minutes of silence in the playground to mark Remembrance Day.
With so many people wearing poppies as a sign of remembrance this week children in our lego club rose to the challenge of creating a poppy themed lego model.
Thank you children for using your creativity to help us reflect on the importance of the symbol of remembrance.