17 Mar Nursery Maths Stay and Play
Last week we were delighted to welcome parents into school to learn more about how we support the development of children’s early maths skills in Nursery, Reception and beyond. We discussed how maths opportunities can be found everywhere, from sorting socks by size to counting out vegetables for dinner or spotting numbers on buses.
The children were very excited to welcome their parents into their setting and enjoyed exploring a variety of maths-based opportunities planned around their interests and the traditional tales they have been learning. They particularly enjoyed learning number formation rhymes, counting treasure in the sand area and reading books about number, shape and size.
The information that was shared with parents at the Maths Stay and Play is included below and can also be found on the Nursery Year Group web page.
Please also find below a list of recommended books to support children’s early counting and mathematical language skills. Many of these books can be found in our local libraries – do go for a visit and find some!
- Handa’s Surprise – Eileen Browne
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle
- Rosie’s Walk – Pat Hutchins
- How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? – Jane Yolen
- One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab – April Sayre and Jeff Sayre
- Farm 1,2,3 – Rod Campbell
- How Big is A Million? – Anna Milbourne