20 Apr Reception Writing Workshop
At the end of the Spring term the children really enjoyed welcoming their parents into school to show all the work they have been doing. In Reception we are very proud of how enthusiastic the children are with their writing and it was a great opportunity to showcase this. After looking through the children’s learning journeys, the adults were free to explore all of the wonderful writing opportunities in the classrooms and playground.
The current topic in Reception is around exploring different versions of Rapunzel from around the world. Children, alongside their adults, were able to engage with activities like building a tricky word tower, going on a red word hunt and creating a wanted poster to catch the witch from the story. With each activity there were also practical examples of how adults may want to support their children at home with their writing.
Writing for a purpose was something that lots of the parents enjoyed seeing with many saying they would give the job of writing the shopping lists to their children in the future!