04 Jun Architect Club
Could you make a seat from coat hangers?...
Could you make a seat from coat hangers?...
We ended the half term with a fanstastic whole school Science Day where pupils explored how books inspire us to learn about the world around us. Each year group had a different book which inspired their experiments and activities throughout the day - if you would...
You may have noticed an unusal vehicle in the Broadway playground today!...
Year 3 celebrate their learning in their Ancient Egyptian Day!...
Sporting opportunities for primary aged children in the local community....
We all had a wonderful time on Friday afternoon celebrating the coronation of King Charles III. Everyone enjoyed coming to school in their party clothes to mark the special occassion. From EYFS all the way up to Year 6, pupils enjoyed learning about our new...
Which class completed the most active travel journeys to school in our Big Walk and Wheel week?...