04 Jan Monday January 4th
Welcome back to the Spring Term! School is closed today for all pupils and will open for Critical Worker children and vulnerable pupils from tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January. If you are a Critical Worker and have not yet registered your child for school please email the school immediately on admin@cts-school.org. A confirmation email with the details of Critical Worker and Vulnerable school will be sent out later today.
For details of our Remote Learning plan please go to the Remote Learning page on our website. For Remote Learning today pupils should practise their maths facts by logging on to Times Table Rockstar and Mathletics and complete half an hour of independent reading, filling in their reading record.
The DFE funded Oak Academy website, which has been created to support schools in delivering Remote Learning has uploaded its lessons for the week beginning January 4th. For todays learning pupils should complete the maths and English lesson for today. All work should be completed in pupils’ green home learning exercise book that was sent home last term.
From tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January our full Remote Learning Plan will be implemented; all work for pupils in Reception to Year 6 will be set on our online learning platform, Google Classroom. For more details of this online learning platform please go to the CtS Google Classroom web page.
Pupils on the Grove Site who have not yet received their Google Classroom log in details will receive an email today; all KS2 pupils have their login details in the inside cover of their red reading records.