15 Jun Mental Health Champions
After six months of training, our 15 CtS Mental Health Champions from UKS2 were so pleased to have the opportunity to put their skills into practice, listening to peers from Years 3 to 5.
Forty pupils in the school accessed the peer support provided by the Mental Health Champions and gave really positive feedback to their teachers saying they felt ‘safe’, ‘listened to’ and the MHC’s were ‘kind’.
Meanwhile, our Mental Health Champions were encouraged to reflect on their training and 1:1 sessions. Here is a flavour of some of their refelctions:
“I feel like this experience has been 2-way: it’s helpful for the pupils I listened to but also good for me and understanding my family better.”
“The MHC training showed me easy ways that might help; I suggested to one of the children things like breathing techniques, writing their thoughts down and speaking to a trusted adult. It felt good to help.”
“I’m going to high school and I hope there is a MHC project so I can carry on doing this.”
To all our Mental Health Champions, thank you for being so engaged and proactive in helping us all to prioritise our Mental Health and Well Being!