21 Mar Partial School Closure
We will be opening the Grove Site for a small number of pupils from Tuesday 24th March. The Government has asked parents to keep children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.
The government has produced a list of key workers who can ask for help from schools in providing childcare for their children, the list can be found here. However, the government has made it clear that many people working in those key scectors may be able to ensure their child is kept safe at home and emphasises that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.
We are being asked to help as part of a national response to the covid-19 virus but it is not a statutory requirement for schools to remain open. However, we want to do everything we can to support key workers and vulnerable families and we currently have a plan to remain open with childcare being provided at the Grove Site between 8.45am-3pm.
If you are a vulnerable family or a key worker who needs support and you have already contacted the school you should have received an email on Friday aftternoon confirming your child’s place at school from Tuesday next week. Please send your child to the Grove site on Tuesday in their school uniform with their home learning pack and a packed lunch.
If you are a vulnerable familly or a key worker who needs support and you have not yet contacted the school please do so by email (admin@cts-school.org) before midday on Monday 23rd March. Due to the importance of having the correct staffing, ratios and medical provision we will not be able to accept pupils at school next week who have not been previously agreed by the school.
Thank you to everyone who has worked together so hard in our school community this week to support the school during these unprecedented times.
Our prayers and blessings are with you all.