11 Mar Ava the Guide Dog Visits CtS
Year 4 had a fantastic opportunity this week to learn more about inclusiveness and how guide dogs support those with a visual impairment. Dr Kavanagh came into school to talk to Year 4 about being visually impaired and her life with her guide dog, Ava. Dr Kavanagh spoke to the children about her day to day life, how she manages and how Ava is trained to help and support her. She stressed the importance of knowing that when a guide dog is wearing their harneses they are working and we should be careful how we behave around them, not treating them as a pet but respecting that they are ‘at work’. Dr Kavanagh then took off Ava’s work harness and allowed some of the children to greet Ava. Dr Kavanagh and Ava were then off the Crufts Dog Show for an interview!
Thank you Dr Kavanagh and Ava for a truly memorable visit.