26 Jan A Special Visitor in Year 2
This week Year 2 had a visit from Rabbi Vogel from the Ealing United Synagogue. All Year 2 classes gathered together in the hall to listen together to what it was like to live as a Jewish person. The children learned about the festival of lights, the importance of being kind and bar mitzbahs. The children learned many interesting facts about Judaism, like the fact that Jewish people have 613 laws they need to try and follow!
Year 2 have been learning about Judaism since the beginning of term and during the course of their RE lessons they have been writing down and collecting together all their questions about the Jewish faith. The children particularly enjoyed the part of the session when Rabbi Vogel answered all the questions they had written over the past weeks.
Thank you Rabbi Vogel for taking the time to visit our school and for giving us all the opportunity to learn more about another world faith.