22 Feb Ash Wednesday
We had a very special Ash Wednesday service in Church today with all the Broadway pupils gathering together on this first day of Lent. Pupils and staff were invited to receive the sign of the cross on their foreheads marked with ash to remind us all that we carry the cross of Christ with us. The cross is made from the ash of burned palm leaves and it is mixed with holy water.
Father Richard reminded us that Lent is a season of forty days which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. The English word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten which means lengthen and refers to the lengthening days of Spring.
Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts. At school during Lent, we think more about the Christian value of Service remembering Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for our sins. This is reflected in the Hymns we sing during our worship
Make me a channel of your peace
Forty Days and Forty Nights
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Longing for light
Each year group will think carefully about their Lent fundraising and the different ways they can use their gifts in service to raise money for their chosen charities.
Mr MacMillan was thrilled with the enthusiasm, active participation and the musical knowledge from all year groups at our Hymn Practice this week when we prepared for our special Ash Wednesday Mass. As always, our choirs led us in song beautifully and we were particularly proud of our Year 6 soloists.