20 Dec Learning from our Peers
At the end of term, Year 5 and 6 had a peer education English session where pupils from Year 6 shared their Big Writes with Year 5 pupils. The focus of the session was on the use of figurative language in extended pieces of writing; the Year 6 pupils read their self edited work to the younger children and the younger pupils were tasked with listening out for 2 examples of figurative language that they enjoyed. This was followed by a discussion around the metaphors, similes and personification the Year 5s had heard as well as any powerful adjectives they had found inspiring. The comments from the pupils were really insightful and showed that it had been a rich learning experience for both the Year 5 and the Year 6 pupils:
” I liked ‘the trees lined the banks dipping their fingers in the sapphire water,’ because the tree is like a person and the water like jewel.” Y5
“Listening to all the colourful descriptions made me want to hear more!” Y5
“That was a bit nervy at first but now I’ve done it I’d like to help younger children again.” Y6.
Thank you Year 5 and 6 for your enthusiastic engagement in this peer education project which we hope to repeat again soon.