26 Nov Year One’s Fruity DT
What could be healthier than a fresh fruit salad? ...
What could be healthier than a fresh fruit salad? ...
The CtS Hockey team brought home silver medals and the 'Spirit of the Games' award last week....
Children have really been enjoying designing Christmas cards for the LDBS art competition....
Year One has some very special visitors to help them with their science learning last week....
Our Reception children really enjoyed learning the story of Diwali through a dance workshop....
Year 6's visit to RAF Hendon really enhanced what they have been learning in their local history study about how the Second World War impacted life in Ealing....
Year 5 had our mouths watering last week as the smell of their freshly baked bread drifted through the school!...
Year 2 had a special visit to Ealing War Memorial....
Anyone for football? A group of Year 5 and 6 girls really enjoyed representing the school at a football tournament last week....
Celebrating Black History Month together....