07 Jan We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
The story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' read out by Miss Raj....
06 Jan The Gruffalo
The story of the Gruffalo read out by Mr Redford....
05 Jan Nursery Home Learning – Spring 1 Week 1
This week we are looking at the book 'Oliver's Vegetables' and thinking about what we know about where vegetables grow and what they are called....
09 Oct Parents’ Evening – Autumn Term 2020
Parents’ Evening Booking System will go live from 9.30am on Monday 12th October. If you require assistance with booking please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Parents’ Evening will be held on Wednesday 21st October and Thursday 22nd October from 4pm - 7pm...
23 Jul Online Safety Update
Many children have spent much more time on devices than ever before during lockdown, so as we approach the summer holidays, here is some information about staying safe online and principles you can help us remind your children about. Please don't worry too much about...
14 Jul Virtual PE Week
We are delighted to offer all children access to the real PE at home programme using home.jasmineactive.com. The programme has been designed to encourage children to be physically active during the school closure period. Real PE includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years...
13 Jul Home Learning: 13th July
Please find below our home learning for this week....
06 Jul Home Learning: 6th July
Please find below our home learning for this week....
29 Jun Home Learning: 29th June
Please find below our home learning for this week....