28 Apr CtS Chronicle
The second edition of our pupil newspaper has now been published....
The second edition of our pupil newspaper has now been published....
6SK and 6RH are back safely from their rather chilly residential!...
Year 6 have been learning new skills and growing in independence at PGL this week....
Year 3 choir are excited to be wearing the robes when they sing in Mass this week. Mr Macmillan has been teaching them all about the cassocks and cottas that they will be wearing for the first time on Thursday....
Year 6 have been really enjoying their computer unit for this half term as they have learned how vector drawing, using lines and shapes to design and create on a digital platform, forms the basis for much of graphic design. Pupils have learnt the basics...
Have you ever considered the importance of advocacy and the role that it plays in bringing justice to unjust situations in our country and around the world? Well, that is just what our UKS2 pupils did last week when a parent volunteer who works as...
We are all looking forward to the Year 6 residentials in the last week of the Spring term....
Thank You for all your support - we raised £1064 for Cancer Research UK...