23 Oct Year 5 Local River Study
Whilst restrictions this term have meant that Year 5 have not been able to do their planned field trip to the River Brent, through the wonders of technology they have been able to complete their local river study virtually! In the heavy rain we had two weeks ago the River Brent flooded; teachers took video footage and photographs of the river and the impact the flood waters had on the surrounding area to share with Year 5.
- Before the flood..
- When the flood waters rose…
Whilst it was really sad to see all the debris that the flood washed up on the river banks it did give Year 5 pupils a great opportunity to analyse what had been left behind. Pupils studied the photographs of the washed up debris, categorising them and creating tally charts, before drawing bar graphs to show the results of their investigation. Plastic bottles and pieces of polystyrene, both large and small, were the most common forms of waste found in the river. Pupils then discussed in class what could be done, both to clear up the river now and to prevent further pollution in the future.