08 Oct Worship Leaders
It has been a great joy to worship together regularly in person this term and our Year 6 student worship team, Servers and Choir have supported our worship across the school.
Year 6 Servers help set up the Church for Mass each week. They diligently go through a checklist before each Mass to ensure everything is ready. There are lots of things for them to check:
- Processional Cross
- Two acolytes candles
- Dust cover removed from the Altar
- Legilium in sanctuary at rood screen
- Linen cover place on the credence table
- Bell placed beside the credence table
- Microphone plugged in at the Eagle
- Daily Missal and CtS Order of Mass Booklet on the Legilium
- Light votive candles at Our Lady and Sacred Heart
- Two candles and small crucifix on the Altar
- Host box filled and placed on the credence table
- Lavabo bowl, water cruet and towel placed on the credence table
- Light Altar candles
Our Year 6 Servers will be helping to train a new Serving team in Year 4 so if you are interested in joining the Year 4 serving team make sure you are paying attention to what the servers do in Mass over the next few weeks! Our Year 6 Servers are also supporting our Year 1 and Year 2 Servers at our Grove Mass each week along with our wonderful Year 6 choir who have enhanced our worship both in Church and at our Grove Site Mass and they are setting a wonderful example to the rest of us to enjoy our worship through their uplifting voices!