07 Oct World Animal Day in Year 4 Science
This week Year 4 took part in a live online science lesson organised by the World Wildlife Fund and Google to celebrate World Animal Day. Pupils were able to share their ideas about how animals and plants rely on each other to live and also used Google forms to interact with the lesson, asking questions and giving answers to a quiz.
One of the speakers spoke about her work with tigers and shared her own pictures and stories of counting tigers in the wild. It was fantastic to hear the good news that the number of tigers is increasing as a result of campaigns to teach people about the benefits of living alongside tigers.
The key words Year 4 focused on during the lesson were: sustainability, biodiversity, ecosystems and endangered. Year 4’s favourite fact from the lesson was that eyes are drawn onto cows’ bottoms to scare off predators!
Thank you WWF, Google and the Year 4 teachers for such a wonderful science lessson.