04 Nov Year 6 Prefects
In all the excitement of last term, we did not have time to congratulate our new Year 6 Prefects!
Our Year 6 Prefects were chosen by class teachers and senior leaders for showing exemplary behaviour and modelling how to follow our school rules Be Safe, Be Kind, Be an Active Learner.
It was extremely difficult to pick just a few children to wear these badges with pride, as our Year 6 pupils have had a wonderful start to the year. All Year 6 continue to demonstrate to the younger years how Christ the Saviour pupils should behave and are doing our school community so proud.
No doubt, you will see our Year 6 Prefects around school wearing their shiny black and gold badges. They will be front facing to our school community and will be taking a key role in day to day school life including at PTA events, including the upcoming Christmas Fair and conducting Parent Tours to show parents new to CtS how wonderful we are!
Good luck in your role prefects! You’re already doing us so proud!