22 Nov Year 5 Master Bakers
Last week our Year 5 had their DT week and did some brilliant baking. The children began by analysing a range of breads, looking at texture and different tastes and flavours. They then spent time sharing ideas and designing their own loaf.
Once their designs had been chosen Year 5 spent time practising their skills of kneading and shaping the dough. The children worked collaboratively in each class to create the basic dough – patience was needed during the rising phase! Children then added their own ingredients to create their planned flavours. Cinnamon and icing was a popular combination, and chocolate buttons seemed to feature in many recipes too!
Once their breads were shaped and had their final rise they were taken to the school kitchens to be baked. Probably the most exciting part of the day was when everyone got to evaluate their maserpieces in the much anticipated tasting session at the end of the day. Great Work Year 5!