08 Dec Carols for the King!
On Thursday afternoon members of our Year 4,5 and 6 choir had the biggest surprise of their lives when it turned out that the ‘special visitor’ they had been asked to sing for was the King!
King Charles III’s visit to Ealing Broadway to meet recipients of the Kings Award for Voluntary Service was surrounded by so much security that it wasn’t until very shortly before the visit that we were aware that he was coming.
The choirs were tremendously excited to have been asked to greet the King with carols as he stepped out of his car. The children were singing ‘Jingle Bells’ when the King arrived, and before they began their next carol he came over to chat with them. He kindly asked them which school they were from, how long they had been practising, whether they had memorised all the words and when school was due to finish. Before he moved on King Charles complemented the choirs on their beautiful singing.
As King Charles moved on to the next stage of his visit the choir continued singing some of their repertoire, including “Deck the Halls’, ‘Silent Night’ and ‘O Come, all Ye Faithful’. The crowds who had gathered for the royal visit really enjoyed and appreciated the choir’s festive singing. It really was a very special occassion!