07 May Fun at the Farm
Year one had an enriching experience visiting a local farm which enhanced their understanding of animals and the natural world around us. This visit linked into our Geography topic of ‘At the Farm’ where the children have been learning about the different types of farms, features of the farms and comparing country and city life.
The children had the opportunity to see different farm animals up close, including sheep, lambs, goats, alpacas, ponies and many more. They had open discussions and learnt about the importance of various animals on the farm. One of the highlights of the visit was the chance to feed the goats and sheep. We were excited to see the lambs and calves too!
A memorable moment was the opportunity to interact and pet a friendly ferret called “Knuckles”. He was super flexible and was able to bend in half! The children learnt about his habitat and behaviour.
There were more animals we got to see and touch including a python called “Rafiki”; some of the children and adults bravely held him under the supervision of trained handlers. We met “Ozzie” the barn owl who flew right above our heads and we got to see his large wings and learn all about him.
Overall our visit was a great day out enjoyed by all and the children behaved beautifully!!! Well done Year one!