11 Nov Fabulous Fieldwork!
Year 5 had a very successful field trip to the River Brent where they practised their Geographic skills of recording and analysing, tied to their current unit on Rivers.
First, they sketched and labelled the features of the river they could see such as erosion, deposition and meanders. They observed the wider park area and considered why we do not build on flood plains.
Secondly, they counted pollution in categories. The children remembered their Year 3 lessons on plastic pollution so knew that the high quantity of plastic pollution was a major problem because of its long life. Children were also shocked to see items such as mattresses, tyres and children’s toys in the river.
Back in school, the children then graphed their individual results and presented them in their books and disucssed the impact of human activity on the river and the landscape.
In a piece of good news, the Year Group were delighted to hear that a local charity cleaned up the rubbish from the river over half term!